Converia – Conference Management Software

Downloads ESE 2023

1. Conference Proceedings

Only available for registered attendees of the main conference; they were provided with a password for PDF download.

Conference proceedings ESE 2023 (PDF, password protected)

2. Presentation Slides (Main Conference TUE - THU)

Only available for registered attendees of the main conference after log-in.

Speakers were asked to provide their slides for download one week after the event at the latest.

Some do not provide their presentation slides which is not within the organizers' responsibility. Please feel free to contact those speakers directly.

There are no slides of the compact seminars of MON & FRI.

The slides will be available until end of January 2024.

Download the slides - this is how it works:

  • Log in to your user account.
  • Click the link (in the left-hand area) to the agenda ("Show conference schedule").
  • Select the required day/session/presentation.
  • If the speaker has uploaded slides, you will see a blue button "Download presentation".
  • >> Log in to your account here.

3. Supplier Guide Embedded Software Engineering 2024

Free and accessible for everyone:
Supplier Guide Embedded Software Engineering 2024 (PDF)

Silke Bluhm
Phone +49 (0) 89 450617-71